Company Milestones

1910 the company is founded by Ferenc Skočdopole, a twenty-year-old keen rover.
1912 the same Ferenc Skocdopole gets married, plighting his troth to the local belle called Amalie Lamková. He takes her maiden name and adds the imperial first name of Ferdinand and hence becomes Ferdinand Lamka.
1914 the small business situated in the fertile Labe plains thrives, specializing mainly in delivering court of law mail, execution orders and especially conscription letters to the 1st C.K Austro-Hungarian Army recruits drafted to serve in World War I.
1918 in spring he delivers leaflets with an anti-Austrian slogan ´We´ve had enough of you, Ferdinand !!´(Amálie Lamková declares herself the author of the proclamation and thus successfully misleads the police).
1921 Ferdinand Lamka delivers the first commercial advertisement leaflets for a wonderworking hair tonic manufacturer featuring the successful advertisement slogan ´You can´t have possibly seen a bald Chinese because. .´ The photograph accompanying the advertisement shows a man who has mistakenly used the tonic for his face instead on his hair.
1931 marks the beginning of a very intensive cooperation with the Neubert Print Works on producing letter box leaflets. This event is greeted with entrepreneurs´ hysterical interest. He also works on the advertising campaigns for Baťa - ´Baťa´s springtime blossoms´, Alpa -´cure to all ailments´, Destila -´healthy breath´ and many, many more.
1936 Ferdinand Lamka becomes disgustingly rich overnight thanks to the Wall Street Stock Market Crisis. His company successfully delivers almost 155,000 stock market newsletters to the Czech shareholders. As a result of this, nearly 2,000 people commit suicide, and, consequently, Ferdinand delivers 215,000 letters of condolence to the bereaved.
1948 Ferdinand Lamka becomes disgustingly poor overnight as the company is nationalized by a certain Klement Gottwald and his gang. Ferdinand has to work at an ordinary post office in a remote hamlet in the country near Adrspach.
1979 Ferdinand Lamka dies at the age of 89 in the arms of his 36-year-old lover and, at the same time, his post office superior at the Czech Post office in Ceska Metuje.
1989 the family tradition is revived by Ladislav Lamka, nicknamed Ferda, and it is him who has been running the advertisement mail company since then.